Under pressure

CHRISTMAS/PARTNER A friend and mentor for the last twenty five plus years, Pastor Les Ball of All Nations (Baptist) Church in London (ret.) just shared the following: ‘Last Christmas Eve, Roland Parsons stood outside Victoria station and read aloud from the gospel of Luke the story of the birth of Christ. He had done this … Les mer

PASS REQUIRED: International partners–Prayer Update

ENGLISH/NEWS A second Norwegian authority filed criminal charges against the full gospel preacher Svein Magne Pedersen. Now, the prosecutor’s office has turned down the filing, stating that no law has been broken. THIS IS A FOLLOW-UP ON OUR NOV. 27TH AND DEC. 19TH NEWS BULLETINS! PLEASE >> LIKE and FOLLOW PREACHER.NO on FACEBOOK PREACHER.no © … Les mer

PASS REQUIRED: International partners–Prayer battle won

ENGLISH/NEWS The Norwegian Consumer Authority attempted a ban and fine order against Christian entities preaching divine healing in Jesus’ Name while accepting donations to their ministries. Now, the attempt seems to have fallen silent. International prayer campaigns were mounted to halt the agency’s efforts. THIS IS A FOLLOW-UP ON OUR NOV. 27TH NEWS BULLETIN! PREACHER.no … Les mer

Becoming friends? Or wanting to?

ENGLISH/PARTNER ADVISORY It’s always a good idea to send a small personal message to the person you’re connecting with. That way you can explain that since you’re both brothers sharing an interest, a gift or a ministry, you should indeed connect. REMEMBER >> Do LIKE and FOLLOW PREACHER.NO on Facebook for the occasional English feature … Les mer

When God does not heal in order to save

ENGLISH/IDEAS I just shared a piece with my community about God as Healer but also about the times God does not heal. LEER EN ESPAÑOL | READ IN ENGLISH | LES PÅ NORSK ‘God is a healer if only you raise your faith,’ one man retorted. There and then, he denied the possiblity of a … Les mer

Who is Jesus Christ?

ENGLISH/CHRISTMAS We’re closing in on Advent, and neither Google, Alexa (Amazon) nor Siri (Apple) dare to answer one simple question; Who is Jesus Crist!? Astounding? Or just a bit… stunning? Check it out. READ IN ENGLISH | LES PÅ NORSK PREACHER.no © 2018 Victor Skimmeland. All rights reserved. No part of these texts may be … Les mer

PASS REQUIRED: International partners–Norway to ban Christian healing as of Dec, 7th

ENGLISH/NEWS Christmas coming, Norwegian authorities intend to ban Christians from preaching divine healing. It is the Norwegian Consumer Authority — or Forbrukertilsynet — which attempts to ban Christian ministries from preaching divine healing in Jesus’ Name while also accepting donations to the ministry. PREACHER.no © 2018 Victor Skimmeland. All rights reserved. No part of these … Les mer

Black Friday

I did not go shopping on Black Friday. But I will go to mass on Good Friday. Jesus is still the reason for this season — and for Easter. PREACHER.no © 2018 Victor Skimmeland.

The Sunday School that wasn’t meant to be

CHURCH LIFE/ENGLISH Once back in the nineties I was heading up a Sunday School for kids in my local church. It wasn’t going to last but despite the obstacles I instead ended up in mission around the globe.    >> READ IN ENGLISH | LES PÅ NORSK Once back in the nineties I was heading up … Les mer


ENGLISH Dreams are what keep us alive. Dreams are created to enforce action. And to provide meaning. Some dreams are just wishful thinking. Some are visions. And some are encounters with God. What dreams do you have? In English | På norsk | En Español ALSO READ >> My dream when cancer hit me in … Les mer

Profitterende profeter (profiteering prophets)

ENGLISH / TITHING Noen ganger er det ingen vei utenom. Vi må ta det på grunnteksten. Her får du en på engelsk. (English below.) Beware of the “prophets” who are only in it for the profits! First paragraph was in Norwegian and said: “Sometimes there’s no way around. We gotta do the original text. So … Les mer

Love trumps all

A royal wedding with a smashing sermon is not your everyday fare. That smashing sermon was still what the entire world got served last Saturday. MANDAKT | preacher.no | Victor Skimmeland | 2nd Day of Pentecost, May 21st, 2018 IN ENGLISH (SORT OF) FOR MY FRIEND, KAY    >> READ IN ENGLISH | LES PÅ NORSK … Les mer

Who is John Spencer?

John Spencer is not Diana Spencer’s less known brother. Even though my mother-in-law is quite proud of the fact that her son-in-law actually spoke to Lady Di, I myself am more proud of the fact that I know John. Sort of. ENGLISH | preacher.no | Victor Skimmeland | April 24th, 2018 NORWEGIAN VERSION HERE (for … Les mer

Wonderous Years

Andrea is a medical impossibility. Yet she’s as real as she is “impossible.” After nearly four years in Bogotá, Victor and Kathrine Skimmeland therefore returned to Norway with a larger family. But they also returned with a stronger faith in God and many new experiences in their life’s backpack. Now they’re in the process of … Les mer

Luther is my homeboy

Reformasjonen startet med at Martin Luther spikret sine “teser” på kirkedøra i Wittenberg i 1517. davidsliv.com | Gjesteblogg av David Åleskjær | 19. september 2017 «Når én sier: «Jeg holder meg til Paulus» og en annen: «Jeg til Apollos», er dere ikke da som alle andre mennesker? Hva er vel Apollos? Og hva er Paulus? … Les mer

His cancer vanished after pilgrimage to Jerusalem

PROMISE When hospital doctors told Victor Skimmeland that they had run out of options, he decided to hold on to a promise given by the Israeli King Solomon. Dagen.no | By Kenneth Fjell Rasmussen, correspondent in Israel September 15th, 2017 | LEER EN ESPAÑOL | READ IN ENGLISH | LES PÅ NORSK Coming spring of … Les mer