ENGLISH The Satanic Society — the Norwegian version of the Church of Satan — is inviting people to sin against The Holy Spirit. How come they want people to sin against a God they claim does not exist?
Here’s the text in English:
‘We have tried to figure out how best to mock The Holy Ghost. It is not so easy since no Christian seems to agree on what to do. Some people say that “apostasy from the faith” is to mock The Holy Ghost, but at the same time they say that God loves apostates who return to faith, so it is obviously not an unforgivable sin.
So, suggestions on how to best commit this unforgivable sin are received with thanks.’
The ‘Satanisk Samfunn’ is a registered church and holds as its creed the teachings of the former Anton Szandor LaVey of California.
Norway’s indeed come a long way on its road to perdition. And, they’re right:
‘God loves apostates who return to faith, so [mocking The Holy Ghost] is obviously not an unforgivable sin.’
Coming to accept faith in Jesus Christ is the only Salvation for anyone, Christian or Satanist alike.
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